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A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges Read online

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  "Why do you hate me so much Renee?" Colin blurts out. Renee looks up at him, wondering if he is clinically a "mental case".

  "You want to know if I am okay? - Alright, I'm very...I am super fine Mr. Winston." Renee tells him sarcastically, hoping it satisfies him sufficiently.

  "I am glad you're okay Renee. I sincerely regret upsetting you. You're not like any other woman I've met - at any age, or status in their career. For some reason, You keep playing repeatedly in my mind. Now that you've looked into my eyes, and assured me that you are okay, I can leave, as I've promised. Thank you. Goodbye Renee." Colin speaks in a kind, gentle tone. He looks down into Renee's brilliant brown eyes, and smiles. "Good night." Colin turns, walks down the stairs, and just before exiting the building, takes one last look at Renee and smiles.

  With her back still pressed against the exterior of her apartment door, Renee can still smell the lingering scent of Colin's crisp cologne. She also still feels the warmth of his fresh breath on her face. "What was that? This is all SO crazy to me! OMG!" Renee shakes her head, turns the key in the door, and enters her home.


  "Umph!" Renee grunts as she climbs into one of the bar chairs surrounding her elevated granite countertop. Not too bad. She thinks as she begins to nibble on a quick pasta dinner she whipped up. A trade magazine is within reach of her right hand, while her personal tablet is near her left one. She is working to keep her mind occupied, so not to think about what occurred earlier with Colin. Geez! ...and what do I say to Melaine about this? Should I say anything? All her efforts are in vain. Renee finds herself daydreaming about Colin's eyes...his frame...his lips. She slams her fork down jumps up and grabs her TV remote from the couch end table.

  "No, no, NO! He will not suck me in like he did with the others." She declares, and commences to watch television - as loud as living in an apartment building will allow.


  "Ok, good work everyone! A Caspian Lampros gala it is. I will do the due diligence of presenting our final details to his team." Melaine announces. The large conference room is filled with a diverse cross section of graphic designers, interior decorators, event planners, videographers, and video editors. Every minute detail of the grand Caspian Lampros international project is complete. "Alright, back to your desks. I will be in touch soon.

  Everyone begins filing out of the room, which is furnished with humungous windows that look over the city. "We did good, right?" Nicholas says to Renee as they both gather their tablets, and notepads. He flashes her with a big smile, illuminating his blue eyes. Nicholas Holland, Amanda Chen and Renee worked closely together over the prior weeks, to develop a strong design plan to re-launch multi-millionaire, Caspian Lampros' yacht building business internationally.

  "Yeah...and it's great that all the departments get it. Can't wait to see how everything turns out." Renee tells Nicholas, excited that she was afforded the opportunity to contribute to such a high profile project.

  "Well, I am surprised that Melaine is moving ahead without some kind of input from Colin. He usually always has something to say" Amanda interjects as she slides down closer to her teammates. Renee sighs. She hasn't seen, spoken to, or barely heard the name, Colin Winston, in the last three weeks. It was like a breath of fresh air for her. Although, in the still of the night her mind replayed their last encounter.

  "Nah. Looks like Melaine is running things now. Winston isn't even in the country." Nicholas contributes. Renee embraces her meeting items in both arms, and begins to back away from her colleagues.

  "Where are you in a hurry to?" Amanda says to Renee when she notices her attempting to slip away. "Do you know where Colin Winston is? Is it a secret or something?" Amanda intrusively asks Renee.

  "Nope!" Renee replies as nonchalant as possible. "I just have work to do. Got an email from Marina." Renee says with a forced smile.

  "How about a celebratory lunch, team?" Nicholas suggests. Amanda immediately responds favorably. However, before Renee can reply she is called away.

  "Ms. Wainwright, a word please!" Melaine calls out as everyone is trickling out. Renee stops still in her tracks.

  "I hope you're not in trouble." Nicholas says playfully. "We'll be here another 15 minutes before heading out. Text us if you're held up longer." Nicholas tells Renee with a sweet smile. While Amanda shakes her head.

  "Thanks guys!" Renee says, swings around, and walks toward Renee. "Yes" Renee says casually to Melaine.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to break up your celebratory pow wow with the dream team, but I will need you to join me at the presentation with Lampros. Someone from event planning, and interior design will be attending as well." Melaine informs.

  "Um, I think that Amanda Chen should go with you. She's been here longer, and..." Renee suggests before Melaine cut her off.

  "This again Renee. You are responsible for the original design...and have you forgotten that Lampros insists that you be a part of the project?" Melaine says firmly. Renee inhales, and exhales loudly while she thinks.

  "Ok...Well what about Amanda, and Nicholas attending as well?" Renee proposes. Melaine's mouth turns up into a small smile.

  "Alright Renee. You broke me down. Just be sure that each of you are able to talk about the design impeccably." Melaine orders. Renee raises her right hand, salutes Melaine, smiles and hurries out of the room to meet her "team" for lunch, and give them the good news.

  Melaine and Renee have grown closer over the last few weeks. One day, Renee eventually relented and told Melaine about her visit from Colin, at her apartment on the evening of the last day they both saw him. Melaine was astonished by her cousin's persistence. Renee must really be different in his eyes. She immediately thought. All in all, this meant that the women shared a secret, and Melaine guarded it at all costs.

  Renee bounces into the Designers' Pit and, meets up with Nicholas, and Amanda.

  "Are you guys ready? Let's do lunch?" Renee says to them with a radiating smile, from ear to ear.

  "We are...Did you get another 'Top Secret Mission' from the boss lady?" Amanda asks sarcastically.

  "As a matter of fact, we all have a 'Top Secret Mission'". Renee replies comically.

  Amanda's eyes lights up. Amanda is the type of person who is very confident in her skills, in her position as a senior designer, and does not care what anyone thinks about her. However, she is also baffled by the ample favor that Renee has received from Melaine. Still, she acknowledges that Renee's skill, and intelligence does surpass many of the other designers who have been at it longer she has. "Guess who is joining Melaine, to present to Caspian?" Renee tells her design teammates, about to burst.

  "What? Really? That's cool!" Nicholas exclaims.

  "Ok...yeah, that is cool." Amanda admits.

  "I think so! Shall we discuss our strategy over lunch, team?" Renee says jovially, and the three giggle, and head for the elevator.


  "I love it - This will be the event of the century!" Caspian proclaims to the room, following an elaborate presentation by Melaine, and her entire BYWINSTON team. The entire room erupts into an applause. Both sides of the collaboration are pleased. Renee looks around the Caspian Lampros board room and feels a sense of satisfaction for the first time in a long time. After all she had been through with Ronald, and Olivia this moment feels like redemption. I can only imagine what Colin would say if he were here. Subconsciously popped into Renee's head.

  "Um...No!" Renee is surprised by her own thoughts. "He is exactly where he needs to be right now - far away" Renee mutters under her breath.

  "What was that?" Amanda asks hearing Renee's very soft, but incoherent words. Renee hopes to God Amanda didn't catch any of her mumbling.

  "Oh...nothing...just basking in the joy of the moment." Renee begins "We did this Amanda. We put that smile on Caspian Lampros face."

  "Yeah we did!" Amanda responds, and gives Renee a high five amidst the celebration in the room.

  Caspian signals to get
everyone's attention once again. "Alright...alright...Okay!" The room silences. "Melaine, you now have full access to my staff." He tells Melaine, pointing toward his team. "Penelope, you are to be at Melaine's every beck and call, until the event is over. Understood?" Caspian says to his Chief of Staff. Penelope nods. "Well, I am leaving the rest to you Melaine." Caspian announces. He rises from his head chair, and embraces Melaine - who is seated to his left - with a kiss on each cheek. Penelope also rises to see her boss off, and Caspian pulls the two women together. "Get to work!" Caspian concludes, and marches out. Chuckles ripple through out the room. Nicholas leans over and whispers into Renee's right ear. "So do you have a date for the big shindig?" Renee is confounded by Nicholas' questions.

  "Huh?" She replies.

  "Will you be bringing your boyfriend...or a date?" He repeats. Renee swivels her neck toward Nicholas, and watches him as though he has two heads. "What? Why would you ask me that?" Renee is still quite sensitive about the disastrous end of her relationship with Ronald. She is also nervous about any gossip regarding herself, and Colin leaking out. More so, Renee is interested about seeing her design work every where during the event instead of having a date.

  "Um...sorry Renee!" Nicholas realizes he's hit a nerve, and shrinks back. The room begins to empty out, and Renee decides to leave the group and wait for everyone in the lobby.

  "What's up with her?" Amanda says to Nicholas, watching Renee hustle out of the room.

  "I think I put my foot in my mouth." Nicholas replies while scratching his temple, framed by his shiny blue black waves.

  "You did?" Amanda is tickled. "What did you say?" Her curiosity is piqued. Nicholas grabs his brown satchel, wraps it around his shoulder, and in step with Amanda, begins to walk out. of the spacious board room.

  "I just asked whether she'd have a date for the event. That's it." He confesses with a tinge of guilt. Amanda's is very amused.

  "That's it? You don't have a girlfriend do you Nick?" Amanda says playfully, and sets out in search Renee.

  While in the lobby, surrounded by yacht and building models, Renee patiently waits for her colleagues. She begins to talk herself down. Renee, be cool. Although you maybe scared from your experience, you've got to learn not to bite everyone's head off. Amanda is approaching. Renee straightens up, pretends like everything is copacetic. "Ready to go?" She smiles and says to Amanda. Amanda sees through her camouflage.

  "Are you alright Renee?"

  "I'm great! Where's Nicholas. We came together. Is he getting a ride?" Renee asks rigidly, with a forced smile. Amanda retreats. She understands the need to be private.

  "He's coming..." Amanda responds, and turns to see Nicholas approaching them.

  Nicholas is worried about the reception he will receive, and sincerely regrets upsetting Renee. He enjoys working with her. She takes all his ideas seriously, and doesn't make fun of his awkwardness, sense of style, and lack of awareness of pop culture. She also gets his appreciation for comic books, and graphic novels. Renee has never spoken to Nicholas in a snarky tone, as Amanda is prone to, from time to time. She serves as a sort of middle man among the three, able to understand, and communicate both Amanda's, and Nicholas' ideas to one another fluently.

  "Um...um you guys want to pick up sandwiches on the way back?" Nicholas nervously asks as he draws closer to the ladies.

  "Sure! Let's do it!" Amanda immediately agrees. "Renee?" She asks, turning toward the temporarily mute woman.

  "Huh?...Sure! Sounds good." Renee confirms, arising from her daydream. She is lost in thought that if Ronald had truly been the boyfriend she thought he was, she would be sharing this experience with him. "Ready?" Renee asks her teammates. They awkwardly smile at one another, and exit the building.

  Everyone is back at BYWINSTON and it is buzzing with activity. Interior Designers, Event Planners, Graphic Artists...everyone is off in their corners collaborating to develop "the event of the century". It has been over four hours since the presentation meeting at the Lampros offices. Melaine has assigned each department a team leader. She circles around to each group checking in, and listening to their combined ideas. Amanda is wisely assigned to lead the graphic artists. She is most senior after all. However, Renee works alongside her with two other graphic artists, who have been assigned to the project. Nicholas is tasked with putting together a video production team. Their contemporary videos will play through out the gala, with shortened versions used as television commercials.

  The mood throughout the BYWINSTON creative floor is; excitement. Although Lampros is not a new client, reestablishing his brand overseas will serve to widen the base of the branding firm. There are four short weeks to pull it all together. Using her arms, Renee gently lifts herself up from her desk chair. She looks out as far as she can see, beyond her fellow graphic artists on the "creative floor". Wow. Look at them. They're like bees happily making honey. Smiling, she sits back into her chair. Hmm...Still, no word from Colin? I wonder what he will think about all of this? Renee surrenders to thoughts of Colin. She cringes as she reflects on the incident at the restaurant, and in the office meeting room. Her shoulders relax somewhat when she begins to recall the warmth she heard in his voice, the evening he stood in front of her apartment building. I wonder what he's really like? Who is the real Colin Winston? Renee's thoughts are abruptly interrupted.

  "Whatcha got Wainwright?" Amanda says, hovering over Renee's shoulders.

  "Um...how does this look?" Renee says regaining her focus. "I brightened up the color somewhat here..." Renee rattles off detailed updates on her piece of the entire scheme. Amanda is engrossed, and waves over the other two on their design team.


  "He trust you?...HE TRUST YOU?" Travis hollers at Melaine, pacing back and forth in her office. "You do hear how crazy that sounds, right Mel? The Colin we both know doesn't miss an opportunity to lord his 'God Complex' over us...So how come he's playing it cool all of a sudden?" Travis expels. Melaine is calm, and not moved by Travis' nervous outburst.

  "I'm not sure Travis. Perhaps he's busy?" Melaine tells him, but her focus is locked on to her computer .

  "Busy? Now you know that's bull crap!" Travis says, agitated.

  "Calm down Travis!" Melaine looks up from her screen. "Look, we've both spoken to Colin. If he says he's happy with the progress of the Caspian Lampros relaunch, then he's happy." She tells him with authority.

  "Suppose he wants to change everything at the last minute. You know he's done that before." Travis reminds Melaine.

  "He wouldn't Travs...He just wouldn't." Melaine smiles mischievously. Travis studies Melaine's face, then with his both arms, leans onto her desk, and looks her squarely in the eyes.

  "What's going on Melaine? What do you have on Colin?" Travis sharply asked.

  Melaine's smile grows more devious. She remains quiet. Travis couldn't break her, regardless of how persistent he becomes. Travis gives in. He sits in one of the chairs across from her.

  "Ok Mel. Sink or swim, it's all on you now." Travis surrenders.

  "Why, thank you very much sir." Melaine responds, and the two old friends laugh.

  "By the way Mel, do you remember Katya? The marketing manager we hired to oversee marketing of all our foreign offices? Well, she called me to inquire as to whether Colin is ill." Travis tells Melaine in between laughs.

  "What? Why would she asks that?" Melaine asks in unbelief. Travis chuckles.

  "He hasn't responded to any of her advances." Travis divulges. Melaine raises her eyebrows.

  "Oh my!" Melaine bellows an uproarious laugh. "Well, well, well seems that our boy is changing." She tells Travis, and the two become enraptured in merriment.

  "Is that even possible?" Travis asks in between laughs.

  "I guess we will find out." Melaine responds comically.

  Travis, and Melaine remain in her office travelling-down-memory-lane. "Do you even remember what it was exactly that turned Colin into such a playboy?" Travis eventually sa
ys. Melaine smiles knowingly. She remembers very well. Travis, Colin, and Melaine attended the same college. Colin was always a go-getter, but he wasn't always a lady-killer. He actually dated one person, very seriously in College. Her name was Mary Aggio. Mary wore complementary bangs, and her thick brown hair flowed past her shoulders. She was über-confident, and knew what she wanted out of life. She was determined that she would be the next Picasso. However, the art student turned her passions toward another charismatic artist, and broke Colin's heart into pieces. From that day forward, Colin swore to never fixate on any one female that way again. So the question is - What's seemingly turning him around.

  "Wow Mel, I forgot about that, you know. You don't forget anything." Travis remarks following Melaine's detailed recap. "Let's close up the shop, and call it a night." Travis recommends.

  "Certainly! It'll all be here tomorrow." Melaine agrees, pushes back her chair from her desk, turns off the lights, and walks out while Travis holds her office door open.


  The Lampros yacht building warehouse is transformed. Melaine, and her team have elegantly converted the brick and mortar compound into a location fit for Royalty. Red, black and gold is tastefully draped in just about every corner. Two large completed yachts - ready to be shipped out - fill out the majority of the warehouse. Guests partake in part of the formal reception, on one yacht, while they have the opportunity to tour the other. The entrance of the warehouse is laden with a red carpet, and adorned with a humungous Step Repeat Banner displaying "Lampros Yatchts" and "Lampros Enterprises" artistically.